Industrial Nanocoatings

Nano-Clear for Industrial

Painted Assets + Nano-Clear = 10+ Year Performance

Global organizations have invested billions of dollars to protect valuable assets from corrosion, water damage, scratching, chipping, chemical attack and harmful UV rays. Many of these assets were painted using inferior materials not designed to withstand long-term weathering. Organizations have various options when these surfaces degrade from UV damage:


  1. Do nothing and allow the paint weathering cycle to continue (resulting in reduced corrosion, chemical and water resistance).
  2. Replace the existing paint system using the same conventional systems (epoxy topcoat, polyurethane topocoat or powder coating alone), achieving the same results.
  3. Dramatically extend the surface life of painted assets by 10+ years using Nano-Clear® NCI Coating as a clear topcoating over most paints systems.


Nano-Clear® NCI is the only industrial coating in the global marketplace to dramatically enhance and extend the service life of painted assets by 10+ years.  Nano-Clear NCI Coating provides extreme corrosion resistance, abrasion, chemical & UV resistance and reduced surface maintenance.  Nano-Clear penetrates deep into the pores of painted assets to improve gloss, increase surface hardness and dramatically improve corrosion, chemical and UV resistance.  

Nano-Clear Coating Benefits:

- Enhances & Extends Surface Life of Paints

- Dramatically Improves Corrosion Resistance

- Reduces Surface Maintenance by 50%

- Convenient HVLP or Airless Spray Application